see the storm is broken
in the middle of the night
nothing left here for me
it's washed away
the rain pushes
the buildings aside
the sky turns black
the sky
wash it far
push it out to sea
there's nothing left here
for me
i watch it lift up to the sky
i watch it crush me
and then i die
speak to me baby
in the middle of the night
pull your mouth
close to mine
i can see the wind coming down
like black night
so speak to me
like the winds outside
it's broken up, pushing us
hear the rain fall
see the wind come to my eyes
see the storm broken
now nothing
speak to me baby
in the middle of the night
speak to me
hold your mouth to mine
'cause the sky is breaking
it's deeper than love
i know the way you feel
like the rains outside
speak to me
Para quem não olhou para cima hoje ...
" As nuvens mudam sempre de posição, mas são sempre nuvens no céu. Assim devemos ser todo dia, mutantes, porém leais com o que pensamos e sonhamos; lembre-se, tudo se desmancha no ar, menos os pensamentos. "
Paulo Baleki
Soc. Portuguesa de Suicidologia
Inst. da Droga e da Toxicodependência
As palavras que nunca te direi